
Managing Employee Holiday Requests

Managing employee holiday requests during the summer is crucial for maintaining a smooth operation. As the days get longer and the weather warms up, employees across the UK eagerly anticipate taking a well-deserved break. This season presents both opportunities and challenges for businesses. Encouraging employees to take time off is essential for their well-being and productivity, but managing annual leave during a surge in holiday requests can be a logistical challenge.

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How to Encourage Employees to Take Time Off

Encouraging employees to take time off is crucial for maintaining a healthy and productive workforce. When employees regularly take their entitled leave, it not only benefits their well-being but also boosts overall company performance. Despite these benefits, many employees hesitate to take time off, often due to workplace culture or fear of falling behind.

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An Employers Guide to Sabbatical Leave In The UK

Sabbatical leave is an increasingly popular topic among employers, managers, and HR professionals. Unlike regular holidays, sabbatical leave offers employees an extended break from their usual work duties, allowing them time for personal and professional development. 

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Do Companies Have to Pay for Extra Bank Holidays?

Bank holiday cake and street party

There is a new bank holiday to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June 2022. Extra bank holidays can cause confusion for employers. Do you need to pay for extra bank holidays? Is it an unpaid day off? Do you need to close up shop for that day at all? Or does it come from your employee’s statutory holiday allowance? We’ll take a look at some of the complications an added bank holiday can throw at employers and what you need to do.

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Holiday Requests and Christmas

We’re approaching the time of year when a flurry of holiday requests land in your inbox. And this year there is more to consider than usual. Your decisions may depend on your staffing levels needed through an extended winter lockdown, holiday build-up, and considerations for those with young families. 

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Furlough Scheme and Employee Holidays: How Does It Work?

9.3 million employees in the UK have been placed on the government’s furlough scheme since March 2020. And rule changes in July allow a phased return to work.

The scheme has changed over the year and will now run until the end of April 2021.

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4 Things to Know about Bank Holiday Entitlement

As an employer, it’s important to know the employment law concerning bank holiday entitlement and other public holidays.

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