
Reviewing CVs and Shortlisting Candidates for Interview

Reviewing CVs and Shortlisting Candidates for Interview

If you’ve followed the advice in part one of this series, then you’ve already saved yourself a headache when it comes to reviewing CVs, as the best way to review a pile of CVs is to start with the Job Description. You’ve hopefully already specified the skills, qualifications and experience of a suitable candidate, so reviewing the CVs is just a case of comparing them against your requirements.

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Why You Should Ensure Your Employees Don’t Take a Fakecation

Why You Should Ensure Your Employees Don’t Take a Fakecation

A fakecation is a holiday where you spend your time fulfilling obligations instead of relaxing like you’re supposed to. Maybe you spend the whole time visiting the in-laws, or the true subject of this blog post: working.

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Starting a Recruitment Plan

This is the first article in our recruitment masterclass series. In the beginning, we’re looking at how to define the role you’re looking to fill and then how to find candidates for that role.

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Dealing with Long-Term Sickness Absence

Dealing with Long-Term Sickness Absence

Long-term sickness absence can be one of the most delicate aspects to manage in an employer-employee relationship.

For the employee, the focus is on recovery without the added stress of job security or mounting work responsibilities.

On the other hand, employers face the challenge of balancing compassionate support with the practicalities of maintaining business continuity. 

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Why It’s Important to Give Employee Feedback

Why It’s Important to Give Employees Feedback

Information about a person’s performance, which is used as a basis for improvement. 

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Using the Calendar in The Holiday Tracker

Discover the simplicity and efficiency of managing holidays and absences with The Holiday Tracker’s calendar. Our guide will walk you through all of its features, and how to get the best out of them.

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Top 3 Reasons You Should Consider Ditching the Spreadsheets

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Interested in simplifying your holiday process, saving time and hassle at all levels of the business, and reducing your sickness absence to boot? Read on to find out why it could be worth ditching Excel to manage your annual leave.

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