
Hybrid Workplaces: 6 Things You Need to Know

As we now have a roadmap towards the end of restrictions in the UK, many businesses are looking to how they can open up the workplace again. Many large organisations have publicly announced that they are not going back to the old ways of working. Instead, they are offering hybrid workplaces for their staff.

Here is what you need to know about hybrid workplaces and whether they will work for you.

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5 Quick Tips for Staff Wellbeing in Lockdown

Tips for staff wellbeing in lockdown

As we approach the first anniversary of this pandemic, it’s clear that mental health and well-being will be a driver for change this year. We have five quick tips for wellbeing that can support your staff through this current lockdown and remote working.

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How Much Influence Does the Boss Really Have on Productivity?

How Much Influence Does the Boss Really Have on Productivity?

As more staff work remotely, keeping motivated and productive become bigger challenges in the workplace. But how much influence does the boss really have on productivity?

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When Working From Home Doesn’t Work

Working from home

Working from home is now the norm. It has disrupted the way that people work for many businesses. And for some employers, 2020 has put to rest any fears about productivity when staff are working away from the office.

Whether working from home works for your business or is a temporary fix to exceptional circumstances, how your staff feel about remote work may not be all positive.

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5 Ways to Identify Employee Training Needs

employee training session

Employee training was once reserved for upper management. Now, it’s something that can benefit all employees within a business. It can teach technical skills, like how to use a piece of machinery or soft skills which benefits all roles, such as communication.

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Holiday Requests and Christmas

We’re approaching the time of year when a flurry of holiday requests land in your inbox. And this year there is more to consider than usual. Your decisions may depend on your staffing levels needed through an extended winter lockdown, holiday build-up, and considerations for those with young families. 

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Making Staff Redundant: What You Need to Know

Making staff redundant is something no business owner wants to do, but sometimes it’s necessary for a business’s survival. However, it can be a complex area of employment law.

In this guide, we’ll take a look at what you need to know when it comes to making staff redundant.

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