
What Are the Benefits of Remote Working?

remote working remote house

According to Buffer’s State of Remote Work report, 99% of employees would like the chance to work remotely at least some of the time. For many employees, the ability to work remotely is more important than salary.

But why? What are the benefits of remote work for employees? And what about for you, as their employer? Let’s take a look.

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How to Better Manage Employee Mental Health in the Workplace

As we become increasingly aware of the impact our mental health has on our physical health, daily lives, work lives, and productivity, it’s more important than ever for companies to look after their employees’ mental health. But how can you do this?

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4 Things to Know about Bank Holiday Entitlement

As an employer, it’s important to know the employment law concerning bank holiday entitlement and other public holidays.

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I can’t get logged into The Holiday Tracker

If you’re having trouble getting logged into The Holiday Tracker, then try following the instructions in this article.

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Can I use my holiday entitlement during my notice period?

Can I use my holiday entitlement during my notice period?

A common question for employers when a member of staff is serving their notice is ‘can I use my holiday entitlement during my notice period?’ And while losing a member of the team can be a difficult process, especially if you invested in that person, it’s good to know what you can and cannot do around holiday entitlement.

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iPhone and Android Apps

We’re proud to announce the launch of The Holiday Tracker mobile app for iPhone and Android phones.

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Mobile Update

We’ve spent the last couple of months re-designing and re-building the mobile interface of The Holiday Tracker.  While you’ve always been able to login to The Holiday Tracker on a mobile device, we always felt the mobile interface could be better.

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