Discover the simplicity and efficiency of managing holidays and absences with The Holiday Tracker’s calendar. Our guide will walk you through all of its features, and how to get the best out of them.
The calendar is the first thing any employee sees when they log into The Holiday Tracker. At a glance you can see any holiday requests that have been approved, any pending, and any other types of absence that’s been recorded.
Below the calendar are the Holiday Entitlement and Sickness bars. As an employee begins to book holidays, the entitlement bar fills up and lets them know how much entitlement they have remaining. If any sickness is recorded for an employee, the sickness bar will also begin to move.
If an employee has no manager set, then they can add their holidays to their own calendar. However, when an employee does have a manager, they must make a holiday request, which will then be approved or rejected by their manager.
Making a request is as simple as three clicks. Click on the first day of the holiday, click on the last day of the holiday and then click to confirm. The request then goes into the calendar in orange and an email is sent to the employee’s manager.
When the manager clicks the button in the email and logs in, they’ll be taken directly to the employee’s calendar where they can click on the request to approve or reject it. But they can also click View Team to view the request in the context of the rest of their team.
The Team Calendar will be centred on the request and shows the manager who else in their team is off during that period, helping them make a decision on whether to approve or reject the request.
Managers can also log other types of absence for their employees, such as sickness, unpaid leave or maternity. And of course, you can customise the types of absence that your organisation would like to record from the Company Settings page.

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